Web Agency Bologna - Agenzia Marketing Bologna
Studio Makoto

We make websites that rank.

You're looking for someone who understands your business, knows how to create a website, and can help you grow your brand online.

Imagine working with a team that genuinely cares about your success. A team will listen to what you need, provide creative solutions, and deliver results.

Studio Makoto is a full-service web agency based in Bologna, Italy. We offer a wide range of services, including web development, content strategy, branding, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, and more.

Web Agency Makoto Marketing Bologna
Web Agency Makoto Marketing Bologna
About us

Studio Makoto Digital Agency

We create branded content for any platform.

You're always looking for ways to improve your business and increase sales. But how do you know what works best?

Video for Tik Tok Competitor Analysis Brand Monitoring Brand Sentiment Google Web Story Instagram.

We help businesses create content that goes viral. If you want to reach millions of people, we can help.

Our team specializes in creating content for any platform and format, including videos, images, infographics, ebooks, webinars, presentations, etc.

Our Services

What Studio Makoto can do for you Studio Makoto

  • We create branded content for any platform.

    Brand Content is a very effective tool to make the value of a brand tangible. The brand can no longer limit itself to talking about itself and the characteristics of its products. It must express its full potential, showing the knowledge it has of the context and the market, of the needs and requirements of its target audience, to inform correctly, make itself "useful," and produce value before and after the purchasing process.

    Video for Tik Tok Competitive Analysis Brand Monitoring Brand Sentiment Google Web Story Instagram

    With this in mind, we create original content specifically for your brand. Based on the analysis of users' behaviors and interests, we develop data-driven content in the most performing formats: reports, articles, infographics, videos, up to the latest web stories, maximizing opportunities for visibility and engagement on the web and various social media. Contact us to evaluate your narrative potential: there's nothing better than expressing them with compelling content if you have good arguments!

    Studio Makoto Digital Agency
  • Digital Media Advertising

    With digital advertising, you have access to a wide variety of tools and platforms to reach your customers. You can reach anyone using the Internet, from email newsletters to Facebook ads, from Google AdWords to YouTube videos.

    Pay-per-Click Native ADV Facebook Ads Google Ads Video Native Performance Marketing

    Digital advertising is an effective way to connect with potential customers, whether looking for information or buying something. There are many different forms of digital advertising, including social media, email marketing campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO), and more.

    Studio Makoto provides your business with an online advertising agency in all forms of digital advertising. They provide your business with a network for expertise in all forms of digital marketing, including but not limited to email marketing, social media, search engine optimization, display ads, native advertising, etc.

    Studio Makoto Digital Agency
  • Microdata analysis

    Microdata analysis is a qualitative analysis instrumental to understanding the market potential of your product or service.

    Micro Influencer Target Analysis Hashtag Analysis Conversation Analysis Neuromarketing Psychography

    Thanks to the observation of user behaviors and online interactions of those who already buy products/services like yours, Studio Makoto will outline: 1) The search trends of users in that specific segment and which trends to follow with your content or product/service offer. 2) The types of audience to cover (buyer personas). 3) How your potential customer expresses themselves about buying similar products. 4) The types of content produced by competitors that perform best. 5) What strategy and content to produce to achieve the desired positioning.

    Web Agency Makoto Marketing Bologna
  • Branding

    Graphic design is the art of creating original designs or adapting existing ones to communicate ideas and emotions through images and symbols. It's about creating something new from nothing, but it's also about understanding how people work and think.

    How do I get my business noticed? How do I stand out from the crowd?

    Logos Customized t-shirts and gadgets Coordinated image Packaging Below the line

    We create unique, memorable, and effective graphic designs. Our designers will help you find the best solution for your project, whether an advertising campaign, brochure, logo, website, social media marketing, or print material. Studio Makoto will help you create a consistent brand across all platforms, including print, web, and mobile. We'll take care of your branding and visual communication so you can focus on what matters most: your business.

    Web Agency Makoto Marketing Bologna
  • Travel

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    Optimized Template Data Info SEO Analysis Data Info SEO Analysis Optimized Template

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    Web Agency Makoto Marketing Bologna
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Some of our projects

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